Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday 'Merica

Congrats on turning 235 to the U.S of A. Here goes my bi-weekly list of things I on my mind.

1. Festival Food. Cheese curds, cotton candy, lemonade, mini donuts. Need I say more?

2. Fireworks! That part when you can feel your insides shake from the boom of the firework.... priceless. I love it. Not to mention laying on a blanket in a park cuddling up to a lover. That's just an added bonus.

3. Bedraces. I'm like 98.7% sure that Hales Corners is the only city in the country that has done these bedraces. Drunk old men and kids in overly patriotic costumes... there is nothing better.

4. The weather. AMEN. It is finally starting to feel like summer in the ol' Midwest. 80 degrees and sunny today. Let's get our tan lines on, shall we?

5. Friends and Family. This holiday was made for forcing you into seeing people you haven't been in touch with all year. We have our friends. Then we have our Fourth of July friends.

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