Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If You Leave, Don't Look Back

An absolutely beautiful Tues-ders. Let's make the most of it!

Okay that's a complete joke. I live in this office from sun-up, to sun-down. I'm loving the view from the front window though!

Let's get down to business. So having the semi- relaxing weekend that I did, gave me a few extra hours to drool over the new issues of Vogue, InStyle and Harper's Bazaar. Get ready for a crazy list of my new obsessions for the week.

Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes and a Louis Vuitton handbag? Is this real life or my dream from last night? There is honestly nothing that screams summer more than golds, browns and nudes.

Orchids! Without a doubt my favorite flower. They are simple, beautiful, elegant and exotic. Everything I love in the world. Want to know the way to a woman's heart. Orchids. Don't even think twice about any other horticultural entity.

Stray cats. Seriously, don't judge me. I want to rescue a poor little guy terribly.

Elephants. So majestic and beautiful. Maybe someday I'll get the chance to go to Asia and see one for myself. But for now, I'll just have to stick with the World Wide Web for my elephant-fix.

As if the world didn't know, Amy Winehouse past away over the weekend. I completely agree that this is a huge loss. Amy was incredibly talented and was inspiring to even the lowest of the low. But this is my problem with the whole situation. She overdosed. How can anyone be sympathetic towards someone who wanted to end their own life? Or even, was the perceived brilliance actually just the immense amount of drugs in her system talking? Her father even released a statement saying that her family wrote her eulogy 5 years ago in anticipation of her death. How terrible is it that your family is just sitting around waiting for you to die. It is honestly so sad but I can't help but to hate her a little bit.

The end of an era! Of course I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at midnight two weeks ago. And yes. I did cry. Harry Potter is without a doubt, a huge part of my childhood. I was one of those kids who read the first book before talks of making a movie even started. I grew up with these characters. I was the same age as Harry, Ron and Hermione when the first book came out. I could completely relate to them on some kind of level. It is really sad that there won't be any more movies or books. But all the more reason to relive my magical childhood and read the books over and over and to watch the movies again and again.

Juan Carlos Obando. He is an absolute fashion genius. How I didn't find him earlier... I am not sure. I could spend hours upon hours with my nose in his catalog. Fantastic.

I just can't get enough sushi lately.

Nothing like a good cupcake :) I could definitely use one right now. My day has gone from great to shit in about an hour.

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