Thursday, July 28, 2011

Curiosity Killed The Cat

It's odd to imagine my life as anything else than the way it is now. Although I do love to daydream about moving far far away from all my friends and family and starting a new life somewhere, I'm not entirely sure I could ever do it.

A few opportunities have come up in my life and even talking about my future makes me nervous and scared. The majority of people at home I could leave in an instant. But it's the heavy hitters that keep me around. What is it that makes stubbornness such a prominent attribute to our lives? Why do we second-guess our dreams? Why do we let certain people get the best of us and affect our decisions about what we want to do, personally, with our lives? It's completely corrupt and borderline insane, but everyone here can admit to doing it.

Shouldn't life decisions be one-hundred percent selfish? You should be able to do what you want to do, right? Here's my theory. Follow your heart. Simple enough. Listen to your doubts. Listen to that little voice in your head telling you maybe there's something better for you out there. No one should wake up, thirty five years old and regret what they did with their life. Live while your young. And if you're not young. Cross off that bucket list! I am a college student with 167 bullet points on my list... and counting! The sense of accomplishment

Of course change in any circumstance is frightening to anyone. But moving forward with an open mind and open heart will open up so many new doors. Who knows, you might be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Or on the other hand, maybe your destine to stay right where you are with the people who love you the most.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If You Leave, Don't Look Back

An absolutely beautiful Tues-ders. Let's make the most of it!

Okay that's a complete joke. I live in this office from sun-up, to sun-down. I'm loving the view from the front window though!

Let's get down to business. So having the semi- relaxing weekend that I did, gave me a few extra hours to drool over the new issues of Vogue, InStyle and Harper's Bazaar. Get ready for a crazy list of my new obsessions for the week.

Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes and a Louis Vuitton handbag? Is this real life or my dream from last night? There is honestly nothing that screams summer more than golds, browns and nudes.

Orchids! Without a doubt my favorite flower. They are simple, beautiful, elegant and exotic. Everything I love in the world. Want to know the way to a woman's heart. Orchids. Don't even think twice about any other horticultural entity.

Stray cats. Seriously, don't judge me. I want to rescue a poor little guy terribly.

Elephants. So majestic and beautiful. Maybe someday I'll get the chance to go to Asia and see one for myself. But for now, I'll just have to stick with the World Wide Web for my elephant-fix.

As if the world didn't know, Amy Winehouse past away over the weekend. I completely agree that this is a huge loss. Amy was incredibly talented and was inspiring to even the lowest of the low. But this is my problem with the whole situation. She overdosed. How can anyone be sympathetic towards someone who wanted to end their own life? Or even, was the perceived brilliance actually just the immense amount of drugs in her system talking? Her father even released a statement saying that her family wrote her eulogy 5 years ago in anticipation of her death. How terrible is it that your family is just sitting around waiting for you to die. It is honestly so sad but I can't help but to hate her a little bit.

The end of an era! Of course I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at midnight two weeks ago. And yes. I did cry. Harry Potter is without a doubt, a huge part of my childhood. I was one of those kids who read the first book before talks of making a movie even started. I grew up with these characters. I was the same age as Harry, Ron and Hermione when the first book came out. I could completely relate to them on some kind of level. It is really sad that there won't be any more movies or books. But all the more reason to relive my magical childhood and read the books over and over and to watch the movies again and again.

Juan Carlos Obando. He is an absolute fashion genius. How I didn't find him earlier... I am not sure. I could spend hours upon hours with my nose in his catalog. Fantastic.

I just can't get enough sushi lately.

Nothing like a good cupcake :) I could definitely use one right now. My day has gone from great to shit in about an hour.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Perfection in Print

TGIF everyone! Hopefully the week went by fast and a restful, re-energizing weekend awaits you.

Without further adieu, I will give you my weekly obsessions. This week I was incredibly inspired by a Western U.S. slash spring fever slash (dare I say it) "Hipster," type of look.

Nudes, neutrals and whites. Only a month and a half until Labor Day, so every person in the country should be wearing out their neutrals this summer! Whether it be shoes, a LWD, understated lace skirt, beaded tank.... WEAR IT. It is simple to make a bland outfit unique with jewelry (a personal favorite) or a bold pair of shoes. All I have to say is that I love this trend and stock up on these colors because they will never go out of style.

Ironic art. It's hilarious and I cannot get enough. I cannot wait for the day I get a place of my own to decorate weirdly. I will have to stick to my 900 square foot 3 bedroom apartment for now ...

Speaking of my apartment, I have the decorating bug. For the past month or so I have spent more time in the furniture department of Macy's and Pier 1 Imports than I have in any clothing store. It's terrible and yet an eccentric and new way of expressing myself. I live and breathe for fantasy, dreams and over the top. My dream house awaits me, someday.

Tea. Completely obsessed. Yes, I have been an avid tea-drinker since the early 2000's, but lately my taste buds have been craving more and more! I have found that Tazo is a tea-prodigy and everything in that perfectly beautiful little color-coded box is a God-send. Besides, so healthy :)

Native American culture. It is beautiful, majestic and natural. Not to mention absolutely fashionable on every level. The feathers, bold color palates and aura of confidence is so alluring. I can't get enough!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Universal Lies

Don't judge my lack of dedication to my blog this week. Life has been eating my lunch and then some.

So this week I thought I would think up a list of universal lies. No matter how you spin it, these are always falsities ...

1.  I'll start my diet tomorrow
2.  I'm not drunk.
3. I won't hurt you.
4. She's just a friend.
5. I lost your number.
6. The government is here to help you.
7. I worked out already today.
8. I need time for myself.
9. It's not you, it's me.
10. That was my last piece of gum.
11. I'm listening.
12. Let's stay friends.
13. We didn't do anything.
14. It wasn't that expensive.
15. You're the best I ever had.
16. I didn't lose it.
17. I'm on my way.
18. It wasn't me.
19. No, I'm not gay!
20. I have read and agreed to the Terms of Service.

I will be posting this weeks obsessions tomorrow! Don't freak out.

Monday, July 11, 2011

If You Seek Amy

A beautiful afternoon on this shitty Munders. I am hoping everyone had a fantastic weekend and got outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather! So, yesterday marked the end of the 11 day festival-extravaganza, Summerfest. Of course I tried to get down by the lakefront as much as I possibly could... and my attempt resulted in a success this year. Here is the lowdown of everyone I saw perform. Don't be too jealous.

Jack's Mannequin - I've been a fan since middle school. There is nothing this strawberry blond cutie can do wrong in my eyes. His lyrics are filled with passion, love, emotion and damn... he is a performer.

GirlTalk - Alright, I had no idea who this band or whatever the heck it is, was until I got to the stage. I though we were seeing Third Eye Blind and oh dear God was I wrong. So this GirlTalk is supposedly just a DJ that plays remixed songs. Old, new, whatever. From what I've heard, he's really big down South and just goes from college campus to campus playing for house parties and stuff. Okay.... I could do his job. And why have him at Summerfest? It was lame. I would have rather poked my eyes out with a dull knife.

Maroon 5 - Do I really need to say anything here? Adam Levine is sexy. And writes all of their songs. Herego, the concert was completely and utterly epic. They are a great live band and I am without a doubt, a life long fan.

Phil Vassar - I have seen Phil probably 4 or 5 times at Summerfest already. And he honestly gets better and better every year. The crowd is great and it's a two hour party. Don't miss it!

G. Love - We went to this show last Friday night while everyone was at Katy Perry. This guy is awesome. Not sure if I ever heard of him before this, but I am definitely a fan. And the show was great! The crowd was crazy and hilarious. I would definitely go to this show again.

Jason Aldean - He is phenomenal. All I have to say.

Britney Spears - She is a gift from God. Honestly. Anyone who gives her crap for any reason needs to shut up. It is so obvious how much time and effort and money she puts into her show and her personal performance. I give her a ton of credit and have a new found respect for the single mom. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!

Brantley Gilbert - I had never heard of him before a week or two ago, and now I can confidently say I am huge fan. His genuine lyrics, danceable melodies and impeccable stage presence will make him a huge country star. Keep an out for him in the near future everyone!

So now that you have my list of newly favorited artists on iTunes, you will get my bi-weekly list. I know, I know I'm cramming so much into this one post but I haven't blogged in a while.
Alright. My list on this beautiful Munders is everything that is pissing me of right now. Maybe a complete 180 turn but, things need to be said.

1. People. So annoyed with everyone. Although I must admit, I am pretty flattered at how interested i MY life some people are. But honestly, I don't care who you are, don't go out of your way to ruin someone's day. Grow up. Move on. Be a decent person. One thing in particular comes to mind .... "If someone is trying to bring you down, it just means you're already above them."

2. Work. I love my job. But I am exhausted. I am burning the candle from both ends lately and need a break. OH! I'm going to Winona for a little R&R next weekend. Much needed. Problem solved.

3.  Summerfest is over! How annoying. Now I don't have a reason to dress up, grab drinks and listen to great music! Good thing state fair is just around the corner.

4. My hair. All this humidity and the bad haircut I got a few weeks ago is forcing me to wear my hair up 75% of the time lately. It has been crazy and wild and I might actually be loving it. As India.Arie would put it..... I am my hair.

5. Ignorance. I am so completely sick of people's ignorance and inability to act mature. I might be sounding repetitive of myself in #1 of this list, but I need to make my point clear. I try my hardest to throw the cold shoulder towards people who try to bring me down. At this point, I need my closest friends the most. And thank goodness I am so blessed in the good friend department. I thank God everyday for the people in my life and this weekend just proved how much they are really there for me. I have been best friends with Jackie since seventh grade and no matter how long of a time we spend apart, the second we see each other, something clicks and we are able to read each other's minds. She has helped me through so many difficult things in my life and I know we are always there and can count on one another. We are experiencing a similar hatred for ignorance lately and have devised a plan to take the high road when it comes to other people's immaturity and rudeness. We will see how it goes :)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Bigger Than My Body Gives Me Credit For

First off, HAPPY HUMP DAY!
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July and I really really hope everyone's week is going by faster than mine. Sluggish is an understatement.

So if you read any of my blogs, follow me on Twitter, or are my Facebook friend, you will know that I definitely go through phases of obsessions. In lieu of my newly sparked interests, I thought I would add onto my bi-weekly lists by doing a bi-weekly obsession list. It might flop... but I am relatively over it.

There is something about this spring and summer that make me fall in love with pastels and floral prints.  It might look like my great-grandma's couch, but I really don't care because I keep seeing vintage florals everywhere! I have seen sunglasses, platforms, hand bags… and now nails.  I couldn’t be more thrilled about this.  So when I stumbled across what is sure to be my next manicure I knew I had to share with you all.  If you have ever attempted to paint leopard spots on your nails you know that intricate designs like this are challenging, but doable.  If you want to try this look on your own nails get a tiny paintbrush (the brush that comes with the polish will be too thick) and use the nail polish as if it were paint. You can do any color or design you like. ADORBS.

 THE NEW FRIZZ. Bobs with an imperfect, slightly frizzy finish. I don’t know what it is about this look, but I’m completely obsessed. It appears romantic, slept on + soft. It creates a glowing halo in the sun. Sometimes hair is the most beautiful when you just let it do its own thing. This makes me so happy because if this look is glamorous, I am looking like an A-lister just by waking up in the morning!

These nails from YSL make me so happy. Only problem? They are YSL... and I'm a college student. You do the math.

VINTAGE CAMERAS! Not only are they adorable and the most perfectly hipster accessory, but the quality of the photos are perfectly vintage, natural and beautiful. I found an old film SLR camera of my grandma's down in my basement a few weeks back and the only problem with it is finding film to fit! I can't wait to get my hands on the trigger.

Bows look good with any look. Need I say more?

Alexander McQueen ANYTHING. It might just be the hype surrounding the newly opened exhibit at The Met, but I have found a supreme passion for everything labeled "McQueen."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday 'Merica

Congrats on turning 235 to the U.S of A. Here goes my bi-weekly list of things I on my mind.

1. Festival Food. Cheese curds, cotton candy, lemonade, mini donuts. Need I say more?

2. Fireworks! That part when you can feel your insides shake from the boom of the firework.... priceless. I love it. Not to mention laying on a blanket in a park cuddling up to a lover. That's just an added bonus.

3. Bedraces. I'm like 98.7% sure that Hales Corners is the only city in the country that has done these bedraces. Drunk old men and kids in overly patriotic costumes... there is nothing better.

4. The weather. AMEN. It is finally starting to feel like summer in the ol' Midwest. 80 degrees and sunny today. Let's get our tan lines on, shall we?

5. Friends and Family. This holiday was made for forcing you into seeing people you haven't been in touch with all year. We have our friends. Then we have our Fourth of July friends.