Monday, June 13, 2011

"I think I need a new town, and leave this all behind."

Happy Munders Everyone!

Another day, another dollar I suppose. As I sit, lonely, in the front of the office today, I can't help but to daydream about semi- outrageous things in my life. Here's a few things of the things on my mind....

1. I need coffee. Stat. I was not built to function this early.
2. Why does my chapstick suck?
3. I should have eaten a better breakfast. This pill-cocktail in my stomach isn't feeling to comfy right about now.
4. Should I go out for lunch or stay in the office?... Fazoli's sounds like heaven right now. Real Talk. Hmmmm breadsticks. Yup. It's been decided.
5. I need to stop and get toothpaste after work.
6. EW DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT AT 4:30. I hate doctors. I can't stand the way my doctor smells. Or how cold his hands are. Or how jiggly his double chin is. Or how perfectly quaff his hair is. Or how he always talks about his stupid son and how we would be perfect for each other. And I really cannot stand how he tries to make small talk when he has the popsicle stick down my throat looking for strep. Really? Shut up. I hate doctors. I'm praying to get a anti-biotic prescription and get the hell out of there.
7. If I survive the smell of the doctor, I am rewarding myself with a trip to The Lube. Lube chips and onion rings, I'm coming for you.
8. I applied for an internship in Washington D.C. PRAYING that something becomes of it.
9. Secretly hoping that Winona State ends up closing so I'll have an actual excuse to move out of this godforsaken state.
10. Why have I been coming up with weird theories lately? Am I in a constant haze of drunken stupor? Seriously...
11. Everyone is so bitter about the Dallas/ Miami game last night. SHUT UP. Yes, I love basketball. Yes, I can appreciate pure athletic talent. Yes, I was cheering for the Celtics even though they weren't on the court.... Whatever. All you bitter people need to get the hell over it. The game is over. The Mav's scored more points, and usually, that means they would win. And well deserved if I say so myself.
12. Met Ryan Grant when I was working at the Mustangs game this weekend. Nice guy. Nice looking guy. Nice body on a nice guy. Need I say more?
13. I wish I would have slept more last night. My head is pounding.
14. Arnold Palmer's are delicious.
15. Speaking of Arnold Palmer... anyone down to go golfing soon? Bueller...Bueller?
16. I need new shoes. Sorry... I want new shoes. My obsession with online shopping is growing with every dollar I earn at work. Good or bad? I'll let you know.
17. This weather is taking a massive deuce on my mood lately. Early last week I was loving the actual SUMMER weather. You know, 85 and sunny? And all weekend it was a glorious 50 degrees and rainy. Yum. Why did I work so hard for this bikini body if I'll never actually get into anything except jeans and a sweatshit?
18. I wish the smell of my new lotion could be like tattooed on my body or something. White tea and jasmine for life.
19. Just saw a girl running outside my office in a sports bra and running shorts. Yeah, I do it all the time, but this girl needs a shirt. Ew.
20. I can't wait to get paid on Friday.

I could go on for days.
Let's make it through the week everyone!

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