Thursday, June 16, 2011

Glorious Mid-Day Lull

Not completely positive on how much I hate today, all I know is that I really need it to end. I won't ever be the person to complain about my job because, well.... I am thanking God I have something that pays the bills and supports my outrageous shopping addiction. But the monotony of my day to day life is starting to drive me up the wall. Such a gorgeous day and I couldn't spend more than my lunch break outside. Not to mention that the construction outside my office building has been shaking my desk for the past 5 hours, giving me the world's most massive headache.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel! It is Thursday. One more day until a little break from reality. One more day until Chicago. One more day until I can relax and forget about the corporate grind.

My brain is so numb right now that I made another list of things on my mind today...

1. This weather is bunko. One day it's 90 and sunny. The next it's 50 and rainy. Need I say more? Midwestern nonsense.
2. Crystal Light. I don't know what this stuff is made out of but it taste like Nirvana. I've down 3 Nalgene bottles today. 96 ounces of glory.
3. Roadtrip. Chi-town this weekend baby! I really have nothing to say about that except that I'm thrilled to be getting out of New Berlin for a little while.
4. CollegeKnowledge. I spent my afternoon researching schools to transfer to. Oops.
5. Annoying men. Good God leave me alone creepy people. Real Talk. I'm so sick of guys being nasty. Okay I'm done with that.
6. Matt Damon and Jeff Bridges. Yes. Redboxed True Grit last night. Fantastic in every which way. I must admit though, I am a huge sucker for Western movies. My extensive collection of John Wayne will prove that.
7. Why is my phone battery dying so fast lately?
8. So this might sound a tad bit ignorant and naive, but I think I have learned more about the professional world of PR and Marketing in the past month than I ever have learned in the last two years of school. Wow. Mindblowing.
9. I hate that I'm not 21 yet.
10. In 3 days it will be 2 months until my birthday! Coolz

I love you. In case you didn't already know.

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