Friday, June 10, 2011

Good Morning Y'all

Good morning lovahs!

Yes, the weather is totally bunko today, but let's stay optimistic, right?

So, the construction outside my building is getting a little out of hand....
Today they have a truck with a giant hammer breaking up concrete. Really? At 8am? Really?
And to top it all off, no attractive construction workers! If you're going to be pissing me off and giving me a shitty view out my office window for the next 3 months, at least have some good looking employees. Damn.

Right, so I got an e-mail on Tuesday from the VP of Winona State saying that no one knows if the school will be open after July 1st. Okay, so let me get this straight. You just built a 45 million dollar wellness facility. You raised tuition since my Freshmen year. Blah blah blah. And now you don't have enough money to fund another semester? Yes, this totally sucks and is the definition of short notice, but it has got me thinking. My whole life, I've always been told that I am destine for bigger and better things. Maybe this is a sign that I'm not supposed to be at Winona. So at this point, if Winona State closes or not, I am considering doing something bigger and better with my life at 19 years old.

So this has me thinking, I am happy about so many things in my life at this point. Let's review, shall we?

1. Threat of Winona closing- Yeah I just ranted about this. But I'm so happy that it's forcing me to think about doing something more exciting with my life. It kicked my brain into gear and made me consider things like transferring somewhere more exciting, Boston, backpacking through Europe, living with Grandpa in Florida, move to a bigger city, make my internship a full time thing, blah blah blah

2. Summer!- The greatest season is upon us! Sunshine, less clothes, bikinis, Corona, Bob Marley, sweet tea, music festivals, the beach, driving with the windows down, bare legs, more daylight..... Need I go on?! Buh bye seasonal depression. I am all smiles.

3. Boston- Yes, it's been a childhood dream of mine to move to Boston and do crazy, city-life things. But it might actually become a reality for me. It's a lot closer than I thought! I have recently applied to Boston College, UMASS-Boston, and Emerson. Oh yeah, and I might be getting into collegiate athletics once again :) Life is good.

4. My job- I am SOOOO thankful in this aspect of my life. I am so blessed to have the opportunities I have this summer. I have the most kick-ass internship with the Milwaukee Mustangs and it has definitely given me a lot of insight into what I might want to do with my life after college and it's exciting :) And I love what I'm doing for my uncle's company. All I do is sit at a desk and work on marketing and media stuff for 8 hours a day. It's a dream! Oh and not to mention is pays the bills.... and pays for a new wardrobe. Oops :) My closet is getting massive. I love it. There is nothing better than having to run to Target and buy more hangers for new clothes! Remind me to sign up for shoppers anonymous. Real Talk.

There are so many more things I am thrilled about, but it's way too early to be typing this much. Have a great day my dears!

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