Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let's Take Your Fast Car, And Keep On Driving

I haven't posted in ages! Sincere apologies.

So much mind has been blown in the past week that I don't know if I could fit it all in one post.
I will take it one step at a time for those of you who have a case of the Tuesders.

Loneliness might be a choice, but everyone needs someone they can turn to. Considering my own overwhelming need to be independent, it's no surprise that at this point in my life I do nothing except push people away. Everyone who knows me would consider me stubborn and knows I act mostly from my gut. Over-thinking isn't necessarily in my nature. And when someone gets too close, I push them away. When I don't want to be taken care of, no matter the circumstance, you're better off just leaving me be. I hate the idea of someone having to take care of me. I think that's part of the reason why I'm so opposed to marriage. And why I hate living with my parents. And why, if I'm ever kept alive by tubes, I want them pulled. Or why I never ever want to live in a nursing home. My desire to be independent and alone will most likely kill me some day. But for now I'm just going to take one day at a time.

Last Friday, the reputable NOH8 Campaign and Adam Bouska came to Milwaukee and held a photo shoot as a silent protest for gay rights. Of course I had my picture taken and donated to the cause AND met Adam himself! He complimented my festive red nails a few times and gave me a hug when my shoot was over. I fell in love. I have gained so much more respect for the campaign and can't wait to get my hands dirty in the cause even more!

I saw this Oscar winner over the weekend and oh my lanta.... why did I not see this before? Annette and Julianne were phenomenal. This movie embraces everything I love. Lesbians. Lesbians doing it with a dude. Unconventional families. Wine drinkers. Awkward situations. Mark Ruffalo on a motorcycle. There wasn't a part that I didn't like!

FYI... don't watch this with people who get squeamish with gay-ness. My mom walked out in the first 5 minutes (gay man porn, vibrators, you get the idea)

Does this need an explanation? This is my life right now.

Best way to cure a broken heart? Buy shoes. I cannot even put into words how much moolah I have spent since the parting of ways. Wardrobe = redone. Shoe rack = more colorful. Closet = reorganized. Getting it together is not an option right now.

THREE DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY! I hope you all got me something nice :)

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