Monday, April 15, 2013

Old Trends Die Hard

Remember when you couldn't decide which Hansen brother you wanted to marry? It was a time when the Backstreet Boys were back (back from what, I still don't know.) My childhood is marked with boy bands, Kool-Aid and glitter. Here's a list of things I will never forgive myself for.

1. Roll on glitter. Because a sticky film of glitter is "cute"

2. Scrunchies. Clarissa explains it all, and she knew how to rock every color.

3. Butterfly clips. Try and fit as many as possible on your 6th grade-sized head.

4. Brown lipstick and lip liner. Thanks Jenny from the block.

5. Soda can tabs. What do I even say?

6. Snap bracelets. Dying to get 300 tickets at Chuck-E-Cheese to score one of these bad boys.

7. Tattoo style chokers. Someone please bring these back.

8. Spice Girl inspired footwear. My poor mother, having to watch me walk out of the house in these.

9. Best friend necklaces. Not like I'm bragging... but I had a lot of these.

10. Overalls with one strap down. After school Fresh Prince episodes are the culprit.

90. overalls with the straps down

11. Neon wind breakers. So noisy, yet so "fashionable."

75. Neon windbreakers

12. Cargo pants. I must have had 20 pairs. You can't go wrong with pants that can hold all your Pokemon.

13. Tomagotchi. Mine died after 20 minutes. Forever scarred about having responsibilities.

14. Last but not least...Gel Pens. You weren't cool until you took your social studies test with a sparkly jelly-roll. 

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